Remorque satellite 7.5m/ PTAC 2500kg

Seller located in Aude, Occitania, FRANCE
6.474 £ Incl. VAT
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Remorque satellite 7.5m PTAC 2500KG avec:

- feux ampoules retractable sur longerons

- garde boue gris

- potence HDC (galva) patin articulé

- treuil de securité goliath a sangle

- arrimage quickflex (lassos non inclus)


autres options disponibles :

- V étrave
- plaque Feux
- potence
- version premium
- double plaque immatriculations
- traverse additionelle
- kit de rincage ( simple et double essieux)
- rehausse potence
- kit etrave fine
- options roues de secours
- catway
- option rampe easy glass (sur chandelles)
- option rouleaux pour coque a step Show More


6.474 £ Incl. VAT

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This ad was viewed 706 times and last modified 12/12/22

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General Informations

ZT du Port - Lot 25
11430 GRUISSAN, France
Guillaume BENOIT
Contact Seller

Brokerage & Boats Sales
Agent or Dealer
Quicksilver, Bavaria, Brig, Tiger Marine

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Remorque satellite 7.5m/ PTAC 2500kg - 6.474 £

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Remorque satellite 7.5m/ PTAC 2500kg - 6.474 £

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Remorque satellite 7.5m/ PTAC 2500kg 6.474 £ - France

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